Dr. LighthouseFilm & MusicPsychic Spies

PSYCHIC SPIES: The Abaddon File (Redux)

Psychic Spies is a live AV remix utilising original shot material, natural soundscapes, spoken dialogue and additional live electro-acoustic audio score. The narrative explores the layering of simultaneous realities as secret coded messages, broadcast on short wave radio during the cold war, as metaphors not only for the secret world of spies but also for the hidden world of spirits.
Dr. LighthouseFilm & MusicVJ PowerPoint


A collaboration between Dr Lighthouse and VJ PowerPoint (aka Jez Stevens). The video was originally shot by Jez Stevens in Hillsea Lines then remixed by Dr Lighthouse. The audio was originally recorded in the Buddhist caves of Ajenta, India by Dr Lighthouse and then remixed by Jez Stevens.