A collaboration between Dr Lighthouse and VJ PowerPoint (aka Jez Stevens). The video was originally shot by Jez Stevens in Hillsea Lines then remixed by Dr Lighthouse. The audio was originally recorded in the Buddhist caves of Ajenta, India by Dr Lighthouse and then remixed by Jez Stevens.
Kino Kult released a DVD of work by the collective for distribution to promoters and arts events. This video was included. A collaboration between Shadow Pusha and Dr Lighthouse featuring (with permission) the work of legendary Nawashi Steve Osada.
The second Vision Clash was staged at the India Arms, Southsea as part of the Film Festival fringe events and this year gave an opportunity for local university students to have a go at VJ-ing.
As part of the Portsmouth Film Festival, Kino Kult staged their first free event at the India Arms, Southsea. This event was a true TAZ with no money involved a PA, projectors, turntables and a large audience amassed for this evening of audiovisual debauchery.
On Halloween 2007 the windows of garbos hairdressers in Albert Road, Southsea were turned into cinema screens for the evening.
Suggests an open system of psychological exploration to cut through accepted norms of morality, language, and politics.
Poetry film is a sub-genre of film that fuses the use of spoken word poetry, visual images, and sound to create a stronger presentation and interpretation of the meaning being conveyed.
I recently came across an interesting website put together by Filieropoulos, a PhD student whose research is on the subject of Film Poetry. He suggests this is a “sort of genre/concern of experimental film that bridges structural and lyrical tendencies” and offers a couple of interesting papers on the subject. Film works across poetry, music, film and performance and you can see a body of his work on the website.