Dr. LighthouseKino KultVision ClashVJ

Vision Clash 2005

As part of the Portsmouth Film Festival, Kino Kult staged their first free event at the India Arms, Southsea. This event was a true TAZ with no money involved a PA, projectors, turntables and a large audience amassed for this evening of audiovisual debauchery.
1000 PlateausBlatherDr. LighthousePoetry Film & Music

Poetry-Film & The Film Poem: Some Clarifications

I recently came across an interesting website put together by Filieropoulos, a PhD student whose research is on the subject of Film Poetry. He suggests this is a “sort of genre/concern of experimental film that bridges structural and lyrical tendencies” and offers a couple of interesting papers on the subject. Film works across poetry, music, film and performance and you can see a body of his work on the website.